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20 Ways to be Healthy
20 Ways to be Healthy
In this article you will find a list of healthy habits related to nutrition, sleep and rest, physical activity, and medical examinations. It is not necessary to implement them all at once. It is enough to gradually add them to your lifestyle, and after a couple of months you will notice that you feel much better.
Elena Smirnova
Internist, deputy chief physician for clinical and expert work, consultant on check-ups, experience of 15 years.
December 18, 2024
The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-medication. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor.
Table of contents:
How does lifestyle affect your health?
Healthy lifestyle: 20 habits and ways to be healthy
Many people believe that a healthy lifestyle means constant limitations and discomfort. In fact, there are many ways to be healthy without drastic changes in life! Even if you follow them only partially, your well-being and mood will become much better.
How does lifestyle affect your health?
Many health problems require a certain lifestyle. Gastroenterologist’s patients understand why they can’t eat fast food, and people with bronchial diseases are more likely to quit smoking after diagnosis. Unfortunately, many of our habits can worsen existing illnesses. And if everyone knows about the dangers of fatty foods, alcohol, or tobacco, then lack of sleep, constant stress, or a sedentary lifestyle often seem like minor problems.
Unbalanced food affects not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the entire body: a lack of even one of the vitamins can lead to serious diseases. The harm of ethyl alcohol and nicotine to the human body has long been proven: they negatively affect the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. Lack of rest reduces immunity, contributes to memory loss and distraction, and exacerbates existing diseases.
On the contrary, people with confirmed diagnoses often only need to change their lifestyle, and their illnesses will manifest themselves much less. Often, to be healthy, you only need to eat a balanced diet, include a little physical activity in the fresh air, consume more fluids, sleep for 7-8 hours and avoid stress.
Healthy lifestyle: 20 habits and ways to be healthy
Healthy eating
Drink more water. An adult needs about 8 glasses of liquid per day. This amount includes all drinks and liquid products (for example, soups). But it is better to replace strong tea and coffee with clean water. Try to learn to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up.: this allows you to wake up faster yourself and “wake up” the gastrointestinal tract.
Don’t skip breakfast. A hearty, balanced meal in the morning will keep you awake and strong until lunch. Coffee and cake are not suitable: the best option would be to combine cottage cheese or eggs, porridge and fruit.
Review your eating habits. Nutritionists recommend making each meal this way: half of the plate is fresh vegetables, a quarter is a side dish (porridge or starchy vegetables), and another quarter is protein (meat, cottage cheese, eggs or fish). If possible, you should get rid of sugar and sauces in order to get used to the natural taste of food. Try to give up sweets, fast food and snacks: at first it will be difficult, but after a week and a half, cravings for harmful products will decrease significantly.
Eat on time. Try to go at least two hours without eating before going to bed. Distribute meals throughout the day so that there is no break for more than 3-4 hours. But at the first feeling of hunger, be sure to snack a little: this will reduce the risk of overeating during a full lunch or dinner.